
Critical Illness

Critical Illness
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Critical illness insurance offers more than just financial relief; it’s a buffer that allows you to focus on your recovery without the stress of financial burdens. Critical illness policies allow can help you cover medical care, daily living expenses, and even help compensate for lost income.

At Gifford Carr, we understand the impact a serious illness can have on your life and finances. That’s why we offer comprehensive critical illness insurance policies. We’re here to ensure that a health setback doesn’t turn into a financial crisis.

Why Critical Illness Insurance Is Essential

The reality is stark: one in three Canadians will face a life-altering illness in their lifetime. Critical illness insurance is not just a policy; it’s a necessary component of a robust financial plan. It ensures that your daily expenses, as well as your long-term financial goals, are protected while you focus on what’s most important – your health and recovery.

How It Provides More Than Financial Support

Critical illness insurance provides more than financial benefits; it’s an integral part of the recovery journey. It offers access to top medical specialists for expert opinions and guidance on treatment options, as well as navigating the healthcare system. Beyond medical support, the policy can also include counselling, family support services like childcare and home care, and legal and financial consultations. This comprehensive approach helps policyholders, and their families manage both the emotional and practical challenges of a serious illness.


Is everyone eligible for critical illness insurance?

Eligibility for critical illness insurance may vary depending on the insurer. Generally, factors like age, health history, and lifestyle can affect eligibility and premium rates. It’s important to disclose all relevant health information when applying for coverage to ensure proper eligibility and benefits.

What if I never experience a critical illness?

Many critical illness insurance policies offer a return-of-premium benefit. This option allows you to get your premiums back if you don’t experience a critical illness within a specified period, typically after 10 years.

How does critical illness insurance complement disability insurance?

Critical illness insurance complements disability insurance by providing a lump sum payment upon diagnosis of a critical illness, which can be used for immediate expenses or to supplement income. Disability insurance, on the other hand, offers regular payments to replace lost income during an extended period of disability. Together, they provide a more robust safety net.

Can critical illness insurance cover all types of illnesses?

Critical illness insurance typically covers a predefined list of illnesses, which usually includes major conditions like cancer, heart attack, and stroke. It’s important to review the specific illnesses covered under your policy, as coverage can vary between different insurers and policies.

Harness your health, with assurance.

Bundle it! – Let’s talk about your multi-policy discount!

Get bigger savings, and more full-some coverage, when you insure more than your primary vehicle. Ask your broker about the options to bundle all your insurance needs. Learn more about all the insurance solutions with Gifford Carr by selecting one of the options below.

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