
Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance
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When organizing a trip, attention often gravitates toward the excitement of the destination, the intricacies of the itinerary, and the essentials on the packing list. It’s crucial, however, not to overlook the importance of travel insurance amid preparation.

At Gifford Carr we work with you to find a safety net against unforeseen events when travelling. Travel insurance plans comprehensively cover emergencies often not included in standard health plans, such as medical emergencies, trip interruptions, and specific situations like COVID-19, providing you with both protection and peace of mind.

How It Makes a Difference:

Travel insurance makes a significant difference by ensuring that in case of an emergency during travel, your primary concern can be receiving proper care, not the financial burden. If you or a family member encounters a medical issue while traveling, having insurance can provide critical support, including the possibility of being transported back to Canada for treatment. This coverage offers peace of mind, allowing you to focus on recovery rather than costs.


Are all travel activities covered?

If your travel plans include adventure or high-risk activities, be aware that many travel insurance policies do not cover injuries from such activities. It’s important to inform your travel insurance specialist about any adventurous activities you intend to partake in. This way, they can find a policy that specifically accommodates these high-risk adventures, ensuring you have the right coverage for your trip.

What is covered?

Coverage varies depending on the specific package you choose. It’s essential to review the details of your package before your trip to understand what is covered. Generally, travel insurance can include coverage for medical emergencies, trip cancellations or interruptions, lost luggage, and sometimes high-risk activities, but this depends on the package. Make sure to thoroughly check your policy to know the extent of the coverage provided for your travel needs.

Can pre-existing medical conditions be covered?

When buying travel insurance, it’s crucial to disclose all pre-existing medical conditions, no matter how minor, to your insurance specialist. This ensures they can accurately assess your needs and provide a policy that best aligns with your health status and travel plans.

Travel with confidence, leave worries behind.

Bundle it! – Let’s talk about your multi-policy discount!

Get bigger savings, and more full-some coverage, when you insure more than your primary vehicle. Ask your broker about the options to bundle all your insurance needs. Learn more about all the insurance solutions with Gifford Carr by selecting one of the options below.

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        Contact our team
        Complete the form to connect with your local Gifford Carr broker to get a detailed quote. Trust us to ensure you are protected. So you can focus on what matters.