
Commercial Tax & Estate Planning

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Icon of a sports whistle and football playbook.
Hand holding a sparkle.

2 min read

Startup Business: Tools for Success

From in-store versus exclusively online, finding your perfect customer and more, there are a lot of intricacies to consider when starting a company from the ground up. Before launching your startup business, here are six things to consider.
1 min read

Common Business Risks

How can risk management increase your bottom line? When you operate a business of any size, you are exposed to a certain amount of risk. While the severity of risk can be dependent on the nature of your business operations and the industry you operate in, it is essential to have protection in place in the event the unfortunate happens. Though risk is a natural part of business operations, certain precautions, planning, and of course, insurance, can be in place to protect you against the unexpected.
1 min read

Top 5 questions Property Managers are asking in 2021

We ran the top insurance questions property managers in Ontario are asking across our in house condo expert – Trish Watson. Discover her insights and tips to help you navigate condo building insurance in 2021.