
Commercial General Liability Insurance

3 min read

How to tell when your tires need to be changed

While most tire manufacturers recommend buying new tires for your car every five to six years, there are several telltale signs that you may need to replace them sooner!
2 min read

Private: Fact or Fiction: Top Cottage Insurance Myths Debunked

As insurance brokers we’re here to ensure that if the what if happens, you are covered. Since a seasonal property is not your primary residence it requires you to review a different set of considerations in policy coverage to calm your stressors. Let's play a game of Fact or Fiction debunking the top eight insurance myths about seasonal properties. After all, lake time is for s’more good times and tan lines, right?! 
1 min read

Understanding Business Interruption Insurance

Seasonal slowdowns are one thing but when your revenue drops to zero unexpectedly, everything you have worked to build may be at risk. Fortunately, business interruption insurance could help. Understand how it works and if it makes sense for you talk to your broker more about it.