
Directors & Officers Liability Insurance

1 min read

Slip and Fall Liability

Winter is officially here, and with it the likelihood of slips or falls increases. Read a few tips to help prevent an incident this (frosty) season!
1 min read

Stay Safe on the Roads During the Holidays

The holidays are also a stressful time for many households. Last-minute shopping or visiting several holiday parties on the same day can add to the confusion. Expect some distracted drivers on the roads. Expect some fatigued drivers as well. It’s a busy time for all of us. Let's make it a safe holiday with a few winter driving reminders.
1 min read

Cyber Threats: Protect Your Business Before it Happens

With data breaches on the rise, companies have tightened their information security measures, shoring up their computer systems and locking down their networks. Now, instead of attempting to enter through an increasingly fortified front door, hackers are searching for new gaps that leave companies vulnerable to cyber attacks. Many revolve around the person behind the computer instead of the system itself.