
Boat Insurance

4 min read

Getting Ready for Wildfire Season in Canada

Last year, wildfires forced the entire evacuation of Yellowknife and wreaked havoc across Canada. With predictions pointing to a more severe season in 2024 due to a warm fall and mild winter, there's a pressing need for everyone to prepare effectively for earlier, longer, and more intense wildfires.
4 min read

Equité Association’s Annual Stolen Vehicle Report: Is Your Car on a Thief’s Shopping List?

Auto theft is a growing concern in Canada, and car owners must stay informed and take preventive measures to protect their vehicles. Équité Association, a not-for-profit organization working to combat insurance crime in Canada, has released its annual Top 10 Most Stolen Vehicles in Canada.
5 min read

Top 5 Cottage Insurance Claims – and how to avoid them!

Daydreaming of dockside days? Considering finally purchasing your lakefront retreat? When it comes to seasonal properties there are maintenance projects that can help maintain peace of mind. Let’s run through the top five cottage property claims – and how you can prepare yourself to avoid them, so you can rest on lake time.