
Snowmobile Insurance

2 min read

Does Home Insurance Cover Landscaping?

Generally, home insurance policies can help pay to replace certain types of landscaping, such as trees, shrubs, and plants. But coverage depends on the way the damage occurred. Read more about home insurance and landscaping coverage here.
1 min read

How to Jump Start a Car Safely

Truth: a dead car battery can really put a (socket) wrench in your day. There's no worse feeling than turning the ignition only to hear your vehicle's ignition not turn over. But as a car owner, a refresher on how to correctly, and safely, jump your vehicle is useful to have up-to-date in your tool kit. So save this blog to your favourites, just in case.
4 min read

Getting Ready for Wildfire Season in Canada

Last year, wildfires forced the entire evacuation of Yellowknife and wreaked havoc across Canada. With predictions pointing to a more severe season in 2024 due to a warm fall and mild winter, there's a pressing need for everyone to prepare effectively for earlier, longer, and more intense wildfires.