
Snowmobile Insurance

1 min read

How to prevent collisions with animals — and what to do when it’s too late

Learn how to prevent a collision with an animal before it happens, how to minimize injuries and damage to your vehicle if you can’t avoid a collision, and what to do if you’ve hit an animal. 
4 min read

The Hidden Dangers of Re-Vinning: Know Before You Buy Your Next Vehicle

If you discovered that you own a re-vinned vehicle, chances are, you found out after the fact. As auto theft continues to rise in Canada, thieves are finding crafty ways to disguise their criminal activity. Before you purchase your next vehicle, learn more about re-vinning, the legal ramifications, and the effects a re-vinned car has on your insurance. 
1 min read

Hurricane Survival Guide: Before, During, and After the Storm

As seasonal hurricanes approach, the key to reducing risk and damage to your property is preparedness. Review this survival guide to protect you, your loved ones, and your property from damage caused by hurricanes.